Lose Up To 30 lbs In 30 Days And Burn Fat Even While You Sleep!

Unlock Rapid Fat Loss and Master your Metabolic Health 

Say Goodbye To "Dieting" And Temporary Results!


Genesis Is The ONLY Personalized Solution Designed To Follow LIFELONG AND That's Customized For You

ACTUAL CLIENTS CONQUERING Type 2 Diabetes, Chronic Inflammation, Bloating, Joint Pain, Sugar Cravings & More

VOTED: "Best Weight Loss Program" 6 Consecutive Years - Best Of Bay 

"At age 46, this is the fittest and healthiest I have ever been in my entire life. My only problem is having to buy an entire new wardrobe – even my “skinny” clothes are huge!!!"
- Julie

(All images and testimonials are from actual clients who have completed our program and did not receive any compensations for their endorsements. There are no guaranteed outcomes. Results will vary based on each persons’ unique circumstances, capacity, commitment and work ethic).

EVERY DAY Men and Women Just Like You

"I'm down 139lbs and 100+ inches on my way to 200! This program was a life-changer. I went from having trouble getting around and walking distances, to running triathlons and obstacle course races!"

Tabitha made the decision she was going to change and not look back. Her weight loss wasn't just about being smaller, it was about living longer, doing more and enjoying a life she had been unable to. 

"I've lost 104lbs and 80+ inches total SO FAR. I was beyond skeptical of being able to lose the weight at all. I had just accepted the fact that i was going to be over 300lbs for the rest of my life."

When Mike started the program he was not only skeptical of losing his weight, had never even considered coming off of all his meds or any other benefits. He was also very hesitant to eat low carb. Now he's medication free, down 100+lbs and happier and healthier than he's ever been.

“I thought I was doing all I could. Eating clean, working out 6x week, lots of cardio and no matter what I did, NOTHING would change."

Bethany had the discipline and was committed, she just lacked the knowledge. She had tried every "macro calculator" she could find and got nothing but conflicting results. As soon as she got her custom macros, workout recommendations, meal schedule and knew EXACTLY what to do, she saw more change in 6 weeks than he had in over 5 years previously.

"I've lost over 130lbs and never been healthier or happier in my life!"

Juan had been over 300lbs for many years. Multiple attempts to change and get healthy had failed, and had almost accepted that this was his life. NOW he's lost over 130lbs, has gone from being sick/medicated and not being able to walk for even 15 minutes to running triathlons and being incredibly healthy. He's currently getting ready to run the ironman! 

“This man (Coach JT) has changed my life! I’ve already lost 30lbs and I couldn’t have done it without Coach and Coachette."

Cindy struggled with her weight, confidence and a love for sugar. Despite repeated attempts to get healthy, she couldn't break away. Within days, she was noticing changes. Within weeks, she felt different, looked different, and was starting to have a different mindset. Although she started for fat loss, she's continuing because she feels AMAZING!

"I started at 195lbs and I'm currently 167lbs! The results are evident! I’m aware of what and how much I’m consuming for each meal and I have the strength and confidence to continue." Austin had been exercising on/off and eating relatively healthy for years but wasn't changing. He just didn't know what to do. Once he received his custom macros, meal frequency, portions, training volume and step by step layout, he saw the changes he'd been looking for almost overnight!

My only goal when I started was to NOT have to be on a sleep apnea machine. Little did I know my life would change forever! 

I lost 90 pounds! I am proud to say, NOW I live in the 1%! I’m living my best, most active, full of love life! Thank you so much Coach! - Jodi 

"I’m down 40lbs of body fat. My muscle mass is up 4% and I've lost over 8 inches off my waist." 

Roy has been active and working out most his adult life. But, like so many men, he allowed other things in life to take priority and put his health on the back burner. Roy proves age is just a less than 90 days he made the type of changes a man half his age would be proud of!! 

"It is amazing how I have grown and gotten my physical life back since starting! I feel great and I am SO HAPPY with my results!  27lbs & 30+ inches in less than 90 days! I cannot thank you enough." 

Colleen was was stuck! Even when she applied herself, she wasn't seeing any progress and often made things worse. That has all changed She simply followed the step by step instructions and in less than 90-days BAM!

"I was on two medications, had GERD and almost always experienced painful bloating after I ate. Sometimes I didn't even want to eat because of it!

Today? NO more GERD, NO more bloating and my health has never been better. OH and No more medications either!!" - Andy H


"My confidence is changing and I've not felt this good about myself in years! It's never to late to make a change." - Linda G

"Coach JT cuts though all the BS and confusing info and gives you clear, concise, easy to understand instructions that provide immediate and long-term results to fat loss and improved health. Coach really knows his stuff." - JB

Limited Space Available! 

To Learn More - Book Your FREE Call TODAY

This is just a very small sample of Actual Clients, Men and Women Just Like You who are already getting AMAZING results!

Rapid and Sustained Fat Loss!

"I just started the program and in 10 short days, I am already down a solid 22.6 pounds. I have better self peace, consistent motivation, confidence, a better attitude, better health and increased energy. I can't WAIT to see where I'm at in another few weeks.. I'm never going back to the old me."

REAL Strength Gains!

"I wasn't really overweight in the traditional sense, but I wasn't healthy or happy with my appearance by a long shot. I'm married, have kids and am busier than ever, which is what contributed to me getting out of shape. After the program, I'm leaner than I've ever been AND I'm also MUCH STRONGER at 140lbs than I EVER was at 170lbs! I wish I would have done this sooner!"

No More Fatigue!

"Fatigue and brain fog was a normal thing I had become accustomed to before I started. After starting the program, I had amazing mental clarity and natural energy from day 1 and it never has went away! I know I should have expected it, but it was still an incredible change! I don't ever want to go back!"

Conquer Sugar and Carb Cravings!

"I was addicted to sugar and treats! No matter how many times and ways I tried, I couldn't kick my bad habits. This program has taught me how to finally do that and showed me the results of hard work! In a matter of weeks, I lost 27 pounds and gained muscle and confidence!"  



  • LOSE BODY FAT. Not just WEIGHT. Actual Cliets Lose Up to 10LBS THE FIRST WEEK!

  • INCREASED ENERGY! NO 2PM crash, all-day energy and better focus!

  • STRENGTH GAINS. Imagine having the strength you did in your 20's!! 

  • CONTROL FOOD CRAVINGS. Imagine feeling TRULY satisfied, without cravings!

  • SELF-ESTEEM. LOVE the way you look and feel again. No more avoiding the mirror!

  • ​HEALTHIER FUNCTIONING GUT. Say goodbye to bloating and acid reflux!

  • ​GREAT SLEEP. Imagine getting a great night's sleep AND feeling rested in the AM.

  • ​LEARN EXACTLY how to eat and why. Understand macros and never guess again!

  • ​START A NEW LIFESTYLE. Finally understand what it's like to look and feel AMAZING!


  • NO WEIGHT LOSS. They pretend you're gaining muscle while losing fat (you're not).

  • LESS ENERGY due to generic macro recommendations and lack of knowledge. 

  • LOSS OF STRENGTH due to inadequate protein and improper exercise programming.

  • CRAVINGS GET WORSE because you're eating too restrictive so your body wants CARBS.

  • WORSE SELF ESTEEM. You lose muscle instead of fat, get weak and look saggy and worse.

  • BLOATING and stomach pain worsen due to poor food mgmt. Then it's more meds!

  • POOR SLEEP and restlessness due to hunger, low hormones and stimulant-based diet pills.

  • LEARN NOTHING .Just more confusing info. No long-term change, just more frustration.

  • SAME OL' THING. Continue the roller coaster ride of short-lived results and starting over.


Who Is This Program Really For?

  • Men and Women who want IMMEDIATE Fat LOSS. Lose up to 10lbs the 1st WEEK AND keep going!

  • Anyone who wants to feel AMAZING AGAIN! Aren't you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired?

  • ​​​Anyone with inflammatory issues, gut issues or poor digestion. This is the beginning of a brand new you!

  • Those who've neglected themselves for years. It's time to put yourself first so you can take better care others.

  • Anyone ready to build LIFE-LONG foundational habits. There's no "END" to taking care of your health.

  • If you're sick of having low energy.  Stop feeling twice your age and eliminate the 2pm CRASH!

  • People who have tried Keto in the past. Most fail long-term due to poor guidance and WRONG information.

  • Someone who wants their confidence & self esteem back. Imagine loving who you see in the mirror!

  • ​Ideal for someone ready to commit to long term change. Are you done with "fad diets" and ready for change?

  • You have the discipline & desire but lack the know how. Desire must be met with knowledge. Here you go!

  • ​If you want to maintain your results LONG TERM. This program is the foundation of a long term, fit lifestyle.


Imagine the feeling of waking up every day, rested, excited and healthy..

Feeling that as soon as you stand, being immediately being reminded that you’re lighter than you’ve been in 2 decades

Imagine feeling so proud of what you’ve done, how you look and how feel and being excited about what’s to come. Smiling at yourself in the mirror, loving your reflection and knowing that you’ve extended your life! Imaging knowing you're able to do things you’ve avoided for years like going to the beach and being active with your kids or grandkids.

Getting to shop for all new clothes you've always wanted and being excited to get rid of the old ones and the "old you" along with it.

After waiting and wishing for so many years to see this kind of change, this has turned out to be the best thing you've ever done for yourself.. and it was SO SIMPLE.



The ideal starting point for anyone wanting to learn how to eat right and exercise for RAPID FAT LOSS and long-term health. 

So What's Included?

1 on 1 Onboarding call with Coach JT - ($599 Value)

You will have a 60 minute 1 on 1 onboarding call with the program creator himself! During this call, Coach JT will provide you with personalized guidance and support to help you get started with the program and ensure that you have a clear understanding of the program's objectives and how to make the most out of it. You can also use this time to ask questions or share any concerns you would like him to address.

Custom Meal Plan/Custom Macros Personally Designed by Coach JT (PLUS Food Journal and Completed Daily Examples) - ($599 Value)

No Cookie Cutter, One Size Fits All Plans Or Generic Macro Calculators Here!! Coach JT personally designs each macro plan based on your unique health data, preferences and goals so you’ll know your exact macros – per meal and per day! Coach has had close to 30 years of experience with thousands of clients. You’ll even get access to Coach’s Personal Food Journal to track your macros and supplements.

FULL - 70-Minute Audio Program Walkthrough and Explanation With COACH JT! ($299 Value)

The entire program was designed to be super easy to understand, simple and very detailed, BUT Coach has taken it a step further and included a COMPLETE audio walkthrough of the entire program. Just click the link and follow along as he offers even more detail and personal tips/tricks to crushing Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™! (Coach will also share his personal success tips)!!

Meal Frequency Guidelines with Options ($199 Value)

How many meals should you be having per day and how often should you be having them? Don't worry, Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ comes with recommendations and adjustable meal frequency options. You’ll know the exact number of meals you should have per day, how much to have at each meal, when to have them, even how many hours apart your meals should be PLUS REAL LIFE DETAILED FOOD LOG EXAMPLES!

Macros Explained and Macro Tracking Tips ($99 Value)

Coach JT breaks down what macros are (protein, fat and carbs) so you can understand your nutrition and ultimately, be successful AND self-sufficient long term. Being able to read nutrition labels and ingredients lists is one of the keys to your success. With Genesis and Coach JT, even a beginner will be comfortable to jump right in!

Home and Gym Based Exercise Guides With Full Detailed Illustrations/Instructions ($499 Value)

No need to pay for a personal trainer again with Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™! Choose between two different five day workout plans (home based or gym based) for maximum flexibility and control over your training schedule. New to exercise? NO PROBLEM! The plans include detailed guides with full illustrations and step by step instructions, targeting primary and secondary muscle groups. Additionally, Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ offers cardio recommendations and guidelines to boost fat loss, including how to calculate your target heart rate to maximize fat burning.

Fasting Prep and Guidelines - Jumpstart Ketosis! ($99 Value)

Fasting, when done properly is incredibly healthy and can accelerate your fat loss and a variety of health benefits, moving you into nutritional ketosis and towards fat adaptation much quicker! Coach’s Prep & Fasting Tips can support you in reset hormones for appetite control, regulate thyroid function for metabolism, give your pancreas a rest, start improving gut health, curb food cravings and jumpstart you into nutritional ketosis FAST. 

Keto Flu Remedy & Testing Ketones Guide ($19 Value)

The symptoms of “keto flu” are real and can be uncomfortable, causing some to give up before they’ve even tasted the sweet benefits of being in ketosis. Coach JT walks you through how to reduce/eliminate the symptoms of "keto flu" so you can focus on the benefits. Our Testing Ketones guide will outline a simple, effective guidelines to monitoring your ketones and ensure you’re on track and how to make appropriate adjustments.

Complete, Itemized Food List WITH Macro Breakdown ($99 Value)

What are the best protein choices? What about fats or veggies? Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ comes with a detailed food list complete with the macro breakdown of each food. It includes the best protein, fat and veggie options to choose from, so NO MORE GUESSING! Just pick from the list, adjust your portion to match your macros and ENJOY!  

Supplement Recommendations + Coach's Immunity Cocktail! ($99 Value)

Although the supplements recommended aren't mandatory, they are suggested and highly beneficial. Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ comes with a list and detailed descriptions of health based supplements to improve energy, mental clarity, fat metabolism and immune function. We even include links to purchase the specific brands (best quality and price) directly from Amazon in our storefront for convenience! (NOTE: We are not affiliated with or endorse any specific brands or products).


IF YOU GET STARTED TODAY, We'll Throw in the Ultra Popular KETO Meal Prep Guide the Supercharge MetCon + Abs/Booty Blast Workout AND Coach JT's Personal Rules for Success. ALL FOR FREE!!


  • Keto Meal Prep Guide

  • MetCon + Abs/Booty Blast Workout

  • Coach's JT's Top Rules For Success

Meal prep doesn't have to be overwhelming and time-consuming. Our Keto Meal Prep Guide makes it easy to get started! We've included fundamentals, shopping lists, emergency stash recommendations, travel tips, shake options PLUS over 40 different food combinations! You'll have everything you need to create fast, delicious meals that will keep you on track and successful.

The Supercharge Workout Bundle comes with a 3 Day Metabolic Conditioning workout that's designed to do with minimal equipment and provide outstanding results. We have also included the ever popular Abs and Booty Blast workout you can do ANYWHERE!

Top Rules for Success from Coach JT is based on 3 decades of experience working with thousands of clients. Simple, easy to implement items that are INCREDIBLY VALUABLE to your success. 

With Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ and a Little

Discipline You Can Achieve The Best Shape and Health

of Your Life! 

(All images and testimonials are from actual clients who have completed our program and did not receive any compensations for their endorsements. There are no guaranteed outcomes. Results will vary based on each persons’ unique circumstances, capacity, commitment and work ethic).

Healthy Gut and No More Bloating!

"Before the challenge I was on two medications, had GERD and almost always experienced painful bloating after I ate. Sometimes I didn't even want to eat because of it! Today no more GERD, no more bloating and my health has never been better. Oh and no more medications either!!"

Better Quality Sleep!

"I've tried melatonin, prescription sleep meds, meditating, different pillows and sheets, you name it and I STILL slept horrible. Then it was three cups of coffee in the AM and an energy drink at 2:00pm every day. NOW I fall alseep within 30 minutes, and maybe wake up once. It feels AMAZING to get up each morning feeling rested and to have my natural energy back!!"

Improved Self-Esteem!

"I can’t tell you the last time I have been this happy with myself! I am only 2 weeks in and so much happier with the person I am and that I’m becoming. You are gonna get so tired of me thanking you but I finally feel like I have a purpose on this earth and I’m not depressed with myself anymore and refuse to go back to that!"

Stress Reduction - Strong Mind & Body!

"Taking care of yourself and being fit and strong goes far beyond the benefits of physical appearance. I'm stronger than even and in the best shape of my life physically, but mentally I've become even stronger. Giving me a feeling of peace and ZEN I never had before. "




Keep dreaming about change instead of acting, watch the weight pile on, illness persist, and aging accelerate. Remember, inaction is still a choice.


You've managed to "maintain" for a while. No weight gain or new health issues yet, but time is not on your side. But are you really happy where you are?


Take control and commit to real change. A priceless opportunity to reverse the effects neglect and aging, shed the excess weight, increase your energy levels, improve your gut health, stop relying on medications, boost your self-esteem, enjoy better sleep and so much more. It's time to stop dreaming and start taking action. Let me help you create the positive changes you truly desire!

Limited Space Available! 

To Find Out More - Book Your FREE Call TODAY




Who is Coach JT

Coach JT, founder of EVOLVE with JT and renowned health/wellness entrepreneur, has been inspiring change for 29 years through personal development, nutrition and fitness. As an outspoken expert, JT leads by example, delivering results with a straightforward approach, impacting thousands over the past 3 decades. Experience Coach JT's passion and dedication for yourself. With high expectations, he practices what he preaches, showing it in himself and those he touches. Commit to transformation with Coach JT.

Coach JT/Evolve with JT voted “Best Weight Loss Program” and recipient of the reader’s choice awards the last 6th consecutive years (2018-2023). In addition to personal and private coaching, JT is an author, a public speaker, podcaster, social media influencer and online course creator. As founder of the EVOLVE wellness initiative he manages a corporate wellness programming with hundreds of employees including Fire/EMS first responders, elected commissioner/officials, animal control officers/employees and more creating a ground floor impact on the community.

Coach JT, a seasoned consultant to doctors, athletes, and reality show contestants, has an impressive track record of improving health through nutrition and natural supplementation. With decades of experience, JT has successfully assisted thousands of clients make lifestyle changes that reduce the symptoms of type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid disorders, hormonal irregularities, pancreatic disease, digestive disorders and cancer. From 2013-2020, JT worked in a clinic with medical professionals, seeing 15-25 patients daily and helping hundreds achieve improved health and reduced medication dependence. This period ultimately became the base motivation creating Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™.

Now after nearly 30 Years of experience with thousands of clients, incredible personal change and better health at 50 than ever before; He’s sharing everything!!

If you've have had a hard time sticking to programs in the past, you didn't understand macros or know how or what to eat, Genesis is ideal for you! Coach has left NOTHING OUT!

Everything you need AND specifically designed to provide rapid results PLUS long term sustainability. 

REAL CHANGE can be just a few clicks away!


Can I do it long term?

Absolutely! It's not only possible, but highly recommended that you do so. Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ is intentionally designed to serve as a long term answer to maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While there's a focus on "accelerated fat loss," you'll also learn how to make to the necessary adjustments to your nutrition and workouts to sustain healthy eating habits after reaching your target weight or body fat percentage. That's why there's no fixed timeline for Genesis to begin or end.  It's designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge to be healthy for life.

What if I start and have to stop for some reason?

NO PROBLEM! In fact, I strongly encourage you to adopt a new mindset. Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ is not a "quick fix" with a definitive end or set timeline, so start thinking long term. While your initial goal may have been to shed body fat and improve your health, your ultimate objective is to maintain these positive changes. It's inevitable that you'll encounter obstacles, such as unhealthy eating habits, missed workouts or travel disruptions. However, the key is to persevere. You don't have to eat perfectly forever, nor should you. Rather, aim to consistently return to the clean eating habits you'll learn in Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ and limit indulgences as much as possible over time.

Can I continue the exercise I'm already doing or do both?

Definitely! If you want to maximize your results, we highly recommend following the recommended exercise schedule in the program. The program features a comprehensive range of daily strength workouts, dynamic warm-up protocols and specific cardio recommendations that are specifically designed by Coach to maximize fat loss and overall strength gains. Of course, you're always free to customize your workouts or even incorporate a blend of the two. Keep in mind that any exercise is beneficial, and if you've found something you truly enjoy, you should continue with it and then you can integrate the program recommendations.

Can I train at home or the gym?

Absolutely! Although going to the gym typically provides superior results primarily due to the environment, having less distractions and a quality variation of equipment but Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ has both options available. My suggestion would be to plan on going to the gym if you can and using the home based options as a back up. If that's not an option for you and you need to workout at home, just be sure to stay focused, eliminate as many distractions as possible, train hard and be consistent. 

Can I do this if I'm a diabetic?

Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation before starting ANY new program. That being said, I have worked with hundreds (likely thousands) of type 1 and type 2 diabetics that have eaten this way which has aided in reducing/eliminating medications, lowering blood sugar, reducing insulin resistance and some even no longer be considered a type 2 diabetic! In fact, many doctors have not only gotten on board with this type of eating for fat loss and diabetic health, I know of some who fully endorse it and even require it!

Do I need to be in good shape to start?

Not at all. In fact the name itself means "the beginning". You could be completely out of shape and just starting for the first time. Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ is the ideal starting point for anyone wanting to learn how to eat right and exercise for fat loss and long term health. From caloric intake, workout and nutritional recommendations to ideal food lists and workouts designed for beginners through intermediate, Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ includes everything you need nothing you don’t, keeping things concise, but effective. If you’re someone who’s just beginning your journey or starting back up and you want to lay a simple, effective foundation of nutrition and exercise that will last a lifetime, Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ is for you.

Can I do this if I'm a vegetarian?

Yes you can! As a vegetarian you will have less options of foods to choose off the preferred food list from but it's entirely possible, and many do. If you're a Vegan this type of nutrition program will be harder, because of the recommended Macros (fats and protein with LOW carbs).

Is Keto safe?

In my professional and personal experience, not only is Keto safe, it's VERY healthy for our bodies. Ketones (BHB) are made from your own body fat and are a much cleaner, healthier, more sustainable form of fuel for our bodies (with NO side effects like sugar has). It also promotes rapid fat loss, improved gut health, increased energy, better sleep, lower blood sugar and better immune function etc. If done properly it can have a variety of other health benefits including improved heart health, elimination of fatty liver, inflammatory diseases, metabolic conditions and even insulin resistance. 

What should I do if I mess up and get off track?

Don't worry. Just get right back on track and keep going! If you ate extra or had some junk food, you could always do a little extra exercise if you want. Overall what you want to focus on is consistency and long-term thinking. You don't need to be perfect or so restrictive you can never have your favorite dessert again, just keep in minimal, understand the difference between foods you need and foods you want and be smart.

Are coffee and no calorie diet drinks OK?

Black coffee or coffee with stevia and or heavy cream (as your fat for the meal) would be totally fine! Regarding diet sodas, I don't recommend having them on a regular basis. Although they are listed as "no calorie" they can contain artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated vegetable oils (trans fats), food dyes and more. They can even be sweet enough to provoke an insulin response without having calories, which will have a ripple effect and provoke additional fat storage.

What if I don't know how to calculate my macros?

We've got you covered! Most people have no clue what macros even are, so Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™ is built with that in mind. From our Macros 101 guide you'll learn what they are, how to count them and finally understand them (micros too!). I would recommend adding on the Genesis Macro Calculator with the program (available at checkout), it will REALLY help as you put your meals together and learn how to start counting your macros.

Do I have to buy anything else?

I do make some recommendations in the program that will help you be successful, but they aren't a requirement. Most are things I suggest everyone takes long term for health and immunity. There's no "weight loss products or diet pills" that I ever recommend. There are a couple of products (like electrolytes and BHB) that I would highly suggest, especially in the beginning. But I don't sell any specific products or endorse/represent any specific brand either. If I recommend it, it's because it works and it's helpful. I personally take everything I recommend in Genesis Sculpt - Heal - Thrive™.




To Find Out Moore - Book Your FREE Call Today

James Thompson Enterprises, LLC © 2023. All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer I Terms and Conditions I Privacy Policy

415 R. Jackson Blvd STE 206A Panama City Beach, FL 32407

All images and testimonials are from actual clients who have completed our program and did not receive any compensations for their endorsements. There are no guaranteed outcomes. Results will vary based on each persons’ unique circumstances, capacity, commitment and work ethic.

DISCLAIMER: This website and all information in it is for educational and informational purposes only and solely as a self-help tool for your own use. I am not providing medical, psychological, fitness or nutrition therapy advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your own medical practitioner. Always seek the advice of your own medical practitioner and/or mental health provider about your specific health situation. For my full Disclaimer, please go to